
I had mentioned that I would share more of the oil, water, and paint pictures, and am finally getting around to it. Enjoy!

I really like this first sequence, and my roommate and I agreed that they would look cool next to each other on a wall.

170 thoughts on “Reactions

  1. That’s a really good idea! That’s how you know that you think like a photographer…when even the most mundane and ordinary things can be turned into something cool. šŸ™‚

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

  2. Cool. I did something similar with food coloring and water a while back.

    Liquid Experiments

    The food coloring doesn’t penatrate oil very well though. I’ve also heard of using soap and milk in combination with the food coloring. All this is giving me more ideas for future experiments.

    • Thanks! It was just me and one other person working on it. And I was just using this one vase, I think I dumped and rinsed it four different times?

    • Oh that is such a great idea! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that when I was doing this. I will have to do that soon now, thank you for the idea!

  3. Creative and very cool to look at. Water and oil are pretty obvious, but what did you use for the colored medium? Thanks for sharing!

  4. I was blessed in attending the School of Art and Design in New York city as a young man. There is a sheer beauty in simple presentations as this. The Blues and Reds seem to have a life of their own in the color. I find the same holds true with my own poetry work. The poems I have created that have one simple straight to the heart thought, are the ones I love the most. P.S. Thank you for visiting my work. Come back often. We have much in common in how we see life.

  5. congrats on getting freshly pressed and WOW! Amazing photos. I love how you captured those moments so perfectly! I wish I had your skills. Photography is def a secret hobby of mine.

  6. capturing these quick moments are what photography were meant to be invented! There was never a painting as a water dropping above from the sky before photography.

    who doesn’t like transparent and crystal-like things! it would definitely look cool on the wall, as if time goes in the spatial dimension.

  7. Bringing out special effects from few normal, daily used materials is just commendable…

    You are very creative… The reaction looks fab…

    Keep entertaining and amusing…

    • It really would be a great project to do with middle school kids! It could teach so many different things, I didn’t even think about it until now. I hope it goes well!

  8. Now, I’m beginning to appreciate a simple work of art, that is; an experimental photo of yours.

    Someday, I, too, might be having the chance to study those kind of things.

    • Thank you so much! I had poured some oil in and let it settle on top of the water, and then just squeezed some acrylic paint into the vase and this is what happened.

  9. I love it! You captured the perfect moments of reactions. It is like gazing at the clouds and trying to figure out what shape they represent. Keep up the great work!

  10. It feels like yesterday and at the same time feels like a hundred years ago since I was an art student playing around with similar ideas, I recall it was coloured ink into a fish tank,.
    I do love the colours especially the blue and red, there’s definitely more in this for you so please do keep experimenting.
    I think it would be interesting to fill your container with ice and see what happens?
    Thank you so much for this post, it’s quite inspirational in a very simple and sublime way…

    • I always love playing around with different variations of an idea, so I hope to do some more at point. And ice sounds like a cool addition, I think I will try that! Thank you for the suggestion, and I am so glad you enjoyed this!

  11. wow! I discovered your blog today and I am absolutely flashed by your pictures. That was something totally new! So amazing! great work – great art!
    Some greetings from Germany ^^

  12. Pingback: Some links. « Another Day, Another Memory

    • In the ones with color it is acrylic paint. The first three blue ones I used an acrylic craft paint, and then the red and blue ones I used an acrylic that is a bit thicker. The one in the middle is just oil being poured into the water.

  13. Pingback: Reactions (via Abigail Thompson Photography) « Ash's Blog

  14. Pingback: Reactions | Travel to Johor

  15. My name is Carol Davis and I’m a fellow blogger and photography intern for the Vasa Transmedia Project. The Vasa Project’s vision is to bring photographers and other visual artists together to share work, ideas, exhibition information, essays on photography and new media in a dynamic and interactive online environment called Vasa Transmedia. We want to invite you to contribute essays, personal work, reviews, etc. to the Vasa blog and essentially become a part of the Vasa Transmedia community. If you are interested we would appreciate you linking your blog to the Transmedia blog and we ask that you add us to your blog roll as well. Essentially our goal is to bring photographers, writers and visual artists under one umbrella. We would also like you to consider doing a gallery talk about your work sometime in the future.You can check Transmedia Blog out at the link below. You can post a request to the blog to be a contributor and we will get back to you with submission details.

    “Transmedia is a global networking project publishing the work of artists, theorists, critics and others on an international scale transcending traditional media categories. At a time when global networked communications are breaking down traditional concepts of space and time and moving beyond traditional forms of publication and networking, Transmedia, VASA’s Blogging Project, connects people to events and people to people. The Transmedia, blog will cover photography, video, sound, digital art and theory. Transmedia will focus on artists, writers and theorists from north, south, central America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.”

  16. This is so beautiful. I’m such a chemistry geek I love everything that spells c-h-e-m-i-s-t-r-y.
    I remember a few years ago I was looking for photos like yours just to check out all the fine bubbly shapes that happen, and I never got an awesome pic…. These on the other hand look GREAT! šŸ™‚

  17. Wow these are some great pictures!! And the picture at the top of your page above your navbar literally made me say “Damn”, because that is a really amazing picture! I’m hoping to get a fancier camera too at some point, I’m thinking the Nikon D3100, but I’m not sure if there is something better that I haven’t read about yet. I’ve never used a dslr camera before so it’s supposedly a good one for beginners, and I think it will let me shoot in auto mode until I’m comfortable with manual. Do you think that is a good choice or have any other suggestions?

    • Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoy them! For a beginner the D3100 is a great camera. It will be something that you can kind of grow into, which will be great. It kind of depends on how serious you are planning to get about photography. If it is just a hobby basically then a D3100 would be great. You can shoot in complete auto mode (with different presets depending on the situation), and then it offers manual mode (a few different versions of that as well) that you can use once you get to know the settings and such. I hope that helps! Feel free to ask me anything else, I always love to help out!

      • Thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate it! šŸ™‚ I think I’d like to take some photography classes in the future which is why I’m thinking the D3100, but for right now I think I’d like to stick with the auto so I don’t get too overwhelmed. I’ve heard you have to do a lot of focusing with manuals and it takes a while to take a picture when you have to make readjustments, which seems like it would be a pain to me. I love taking lots of pictures though, especially when out with friends. šŸ™‚

  18. When I saw the name Abigail Thompson, I immediately thought that my friend was hiding some amazing photography. It’s a strange coincidence that you and my friend share the same first and last names. I’m guessing that you are an adult whereas the Abby I know is going into the tenth grade with me next year. I’ve always been curious about what you’ve done here. I just don’t have the materials for it. You are amazing. Keep up with the epicness (insert comment about kids and their vocabulary here…).
    –Love Stuff–

    • Haha yes, I am an adult. That is quite a coincidence that she has the same name, such a small world! Thank you so very much, I will be sure to keep up the “epicness” (I like that word to describe my work, haha). Thanks again!

    • Just play around with it! This is all just done on a whim, making it up as I went, so I don’t know if certain things work and other things don’t. I did use pretty thin acrylic paint, because I am guessing the thicker stuff wouldn’t turn out very cool. I tried it with two different amounts of oil (accidentally), and it seemed like the more oil that there was the more the paint stuck in neat globs (there was more oil in the red and blue ones than just the blue). I hope that makes sense. But like I said, it was all just a random “experiment” so just play around and see what else could work! Good luck!

  19. Pingback: Reactions (via Abigail Thompson Photography) « testewanya

  20. Beautiful photos, I wish I had a camera set up to take similar. Thanks for sharing and congrats on being freshly pressed!

    • Thank you so much! It was actually a super simple set up, just some poster board/foam core board and the vase with my camera on a tripod. Thank you again!

  21. Oh wow, they definately would look gorgeous on canvas next to each other on a wall! Have you thought about getting them printed really big and long? Like 50″ tall by say 30″ wide? They would make a beautiful addition to a statement wall or hall wall! šŸ™‚ Amazing!

    • I have, but getting things printed that large is so expensive unfortunately. And I am a starving college kid (well, sort of), haha. I do sell prints though, so if you are interested in getting some for yourself be sure to let me know! I am so glad you like them!

  22. Whoa these pics are awesome, creative and definitely unique.. Which camera did you use? Iā€™m just now getting into photography and blogging in general so Iā€™m sprouting out and investing time in myself :). I just saw Discover The Gift which talks about the power of love esp. for oneself and how we all have a gift. Heard of it?

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