The “final” installation

All semester I have been working on a body of work that was wrapped up last week in an installation for final critique. I had been posting about it on google + for those of you who follow me there, but for some reason never posted here. So I will finally update you all on what I have been working on.

First of all an explanation of the physical images. They are all digital double exposures done in camera. Part of the trick about digital double exposures is that they have to be pretty instant. Once you set the camera to do a double exposure you only have a few minutes before it goes back to a single exposure. So all of the images were pretty spontaneous. I printed the images in various sizes on transparencies. The images were then suspended using red string in a space that I created using white sheets.

The entire body of work focuses on the idea of how we process things that we see every day. It touches on how memories begin to form essentially, and how things of our daily lives begin to blend and blur together. It all stemmed from the fact that I can’t remember anything. It was my way of representing a terrible memory, but has evolved into something more that I can’t yet phrase quite yet.

So, here are the images of the installation. This is the outside of the installation. The space around it is not ideal, but I used a space that was available to me so it worked.

And the inside of the Installation. Unfortunately the images really don’t do it justice. In part because it is designed to be interactive, forcing the viewer to walk through the space to see the images.  It may just be because it was my creation, but for me walking into the installation was almost surreal. I can’t even really explain it but it created a feeling and experience completely unique.

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