moments of light

Today has been a perfectly gloomy, cool day. I long for days like today, like most long for the sun and warmth. However, I am clearly addicted to light and shadows, as you all can tell from one of my current series. It is days like today that make me love the little moments of light even more though. And as winter slowly creeps up on us, and the light becomes a different kind of beautiful, I find myself being even more attentive to these moments.

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moments of light

I haven’t shared images from my phone in quite some time, or from my camera even for that matter. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately. But I have been shooting, and have a plethora of images to share, including lots of my favorite subject. In fact, I have so many of light, that I am going to break it up into multiple posts. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy these moments of light on this fine Wednesday night.

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