
The second part of my spring break involved a quick trip out to Denver, Colorado to visit my best friend, Blair, as well as my brother and his family who came down to visit. It was unfortunately cut short because of the storm that hit out there, but I still was able to have two solid days of spending time with some of my favorite people.

The first day out there Blair and I drove to Boulder to do some hiking. It was raining when we got there, but right when we started out hike it cleared up and left us with some awesome clouds.

595web 608web 628web boulderwebFriday (my second day there) I met up with my brother, his wife, and twin boys who were in town to see me. We spent most of the day at the aquarium in Denver. I didn’t shoot nearly as much as I expected, since I was more focused on just enjoying my time there with them, but I did get some images of jellyfish, which I have always wanted.

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I finally made time for a self-portrait that I have had in mind for months now. The light was just right and so I grabbed my camera and tripod, covered myself in paint, slapped on my new fake eye lashes, and started shooting. I ended up with a few that I was really happy with, and may share at some point.


Horseshoe Canyon Ranch

Two weekends ago I went on a quick climbing trip with some friends to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas. Unfortunately we got rained out one day and only had 2 days of climbing. It was still an incredible trip though. I didn’t shoot nearly as much as I thought I would, but I did manage to get some images I am happy with, so enjoy!

We arrived at the ranch around noon on Saturday, and were greeted by almost 80 degree weather. It was incredibly beautiful, and I immediately fell in love with the location.









Day 2 was foggy, rainy, and cold. It had stopped raining for a bit and so we went out trying to find some dry rock only for the rain to start back up and storms rolled in. It made for quite the dreamy looking landscape though.









Day 3 started out fairly cold and foggy again, but ended up clearing out and becoming a beautiful, perfect for climbing day.

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I haven’t posted here on my blog in quite a long time. I finally was able to get some of my recent images scanned in though, so I have something to share!

As I mentioned, these are scans of some of my pieces. They consist of two photographs of the same object from different angles, which I wove together to break down the image some. For those of you who have been following me for a while you may remember that I was doing the same thing with houses before, and dealing with the idea of decaying memory. I have started to use objects as a way to make a more personal, intimate reference to failing memories and the attempt to hold on to them. You may recognize the images used here, because all of these except one (the moose) are actually pulled from my 366, as I find the act of pulling those memories back up quite interesting.


The white, sterile background was an experiment of sorts, and I still plan on playing around with it some.

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