232/365 – Moose

Well, I cheated. Yesterday was a busy day; I went to church, then straight to Ikea (where I foolishly left my camera in my car), then to dinner, and then to a movie. By the time I got home from the movie I was dead, and passed out almost immediately. So, I took this picture this morning after class. I was at Ikea with Elliot, and we walked past a bin that was full of all these little stuffed animals, and I jokingly told him he should buy me one, and he pulled out a moose, which was just too perfect to not buy (since I am from Minnesota, and for some reason people automatically associate moose with MN).

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231/365 – Scarred

Blah. That is how I am feeling and how I feel about this picture.

My knee is taking forever to heal. It is still super swollen (this is the smallest it has been, and it has been 3 weeks since surgery), and is still quite painful. This is the best the scar has looked though, out of the 3 times that it has been cut open. So that is a bonus I guess.

I was just messing around with textures since I couldn’t think of anything else to take a picture of or any other way to edit this.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography to see even more of my work!

230/365 – The Magician’s Secret.

I seem to be perpetually a day behind on my project lately. I don’t take a picture until evening, and then I am always doing something at night, which prevents me from having time to edit and post. So I apologize for that, and I will try to do better (but I am not making any promises, it is after all my senior year of college).

This glass bottle was given to me by Whitney (my roommate who has been such an incredible help to my 365 as of late). I told her I was starting a glass collection and she pulled this out for me, I love it! I was trying to think of something to take a picture of and I thought of the bubbly shape of the bottle, and the bubbles I had sitting on the table, and immediately connected them. I recruited the help of both my roommates for this. I had them both blowing bubbles d the glass so I could have a ton, and half unpoppable, half normal.

Yes, I realize it is extremely similar to the bubble pictures I took earlier in the summer, except for the glass bottle. But, I stil like it, so that is good right?

Also, as for the title, I have no clue where it came from. I pulled up the “new post” screen and clicked in the title box, and the first thing to pop into my head was “the magician’s secret.” It means nothing, to me at least. I am not even the least bit interested in magician’s or magic, so who knows how my mind works.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography to see even more of my work!

229/365 – Water Balloons

I had been wanting to try this for such a long time, and yesterday I finally had a chance! I was inspired by the Christian Student Fellowship’s mission of bringing back the record of the world’s largest water balloon fight. This will be the third year they have held this event, and each year has been bigger. We held the record from last year’s fight, but a college this summer beat it. CSF had already been planning on having the water balloon fight again this year, but now there is the new goal of bringing back the record. It goes down tonight, at 11:55, so we will see what happens.

My lovely roommate Whitney helped me out with this adventure. We looked like little kids sitting in the front yard filling up water balloons, each with a wrist of silly bands on. We rigged up a little stand to hold the water balloons (which involved an old tripod, a stick, duct tape, rubber bands, and a chip clip. Whitney then used Elliot’s BB gun that he has left at my house to shoot the balloons. We had such a blast doing this, and have thought up some other ideas for a little series of balloons!

I am pretty pleased with the results, except for the high ISO I had to use. I think next time I either brave the intense sun or use a flash.

One final note: I liked most of the ones we did, and so I am just going to post them here instead of spamming with another post. The first one is the one that I have selected as my main 365 though.

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And here are the rest.

This one was one of the first ones that I took, and I still didn’t have my shutter speed high enough which is why it is slightly blurred. But I still liked it so I am including it.

228/365 – Diffuser

Last night I was busy running errands and cleaning up in between classes, and then after my studio got out at 8:30 I just didn’t have much motivation for a picture. But, I had purchased this diffuser in the dollar section of Target, so I figured it would make for an interesting photograph despite already being empty.

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227/365 – Arachnid

These past two days have been somewhat crazy, which is why I haven’t uploaded. Tuesday morning I worked out with Elliot and his friend Kellin, which involved tons of push ups, pull-ups, and P90X abs. Needless to say I cannot move at this point. Yesterday was the first day of classes for me, and even though I only had two classes I was running errands the rest of the day (much like today). So, once again I am catching up. Now that classes are started I need to get settled in my routine and figure out the best time to take pictures, because after my night class does not work so well.

This picture is from Tuesday, while Elliot and I were walking around exploring his apartment complex area. We were in the complex next to his, where they have car ports under their apartments, and we saw this massive spider at the front of one. The wind blew after I took this and the spider curled up a little, so then Elliot blew on it, and it ran away super fast, which I was completely fine with. I better not find one of these anywhere near my house, ever.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography!

226/365 – Jones Soda

I am not much of a soda drinker (yes, I am a northerner and I say “soda”), but I absolutely love Jones Soda, and every once in a while (like once a year) I buy some. I bought some last night, and while I was driving this evening I got the image of the bottle on Elliot’s deck railing. I drove home from dropping off some photographs for a contest, grabbed my camera, and raced the setting sun to Elliot’s apartment so I could get me shot.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography!

225/365 – Unpoppable Bubbles!

I finally found them!! I had told a couple of friends here in KY about these unpoppable bubbles I had played with a long time ago at home, and no one believed me. They must have thought I was crazy. Then, when I was at the grocery store with my mom while home in Minnesota, I found them! I showed my roommate, Whitney (who you have seen before), and we were both so entertained by them, so naturally it had to be a 365.

There are a few things I dislike about this picture, but, it was by far my favorite out of the bunch and I felt showed off the bubbles the best, so I decided to use it.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography!

33/52 – Warmth

I took this while at home in MN, and out of 40 or so pictures, this is the only one that turned out pretty much. My camera was struggling with the whole autofocus thing, and my remote didn’t want to work all that well either. But, all that said, I really like this picture, I am so glad I had this one turn out. The jar is the same one that was used for my 365 (on day 221).

I thought and thought and thought on what I could title this, which is partly why I didn’t get it posted right away. This is pretty much all that I came up with that I didn’t hate.

Become a fan on Facebook at Abigail Thompson Photography!