
Confession time. I completely forgot to take a picture yesterday, so this is actually from a few days ago when I was trying out my Holga lens on my Nikon. I fell in love with the incredible depth I got in this shot, and the kind of dream like atmosphere. It is SOOC, with the exception of conversion from RAW.

283/366 – The Visitor

I wasn’t free from everything until fairly late, and so was stuck with shooting in the dark as a result. I originally just wanted to see how my holga lens reacted to long exposures, but decided to switch over to my standard 50mm for some as well. I just started messing around with flashlights, and of course my cat got curious and had to get involved.

282/366 – Fall Confusion

I ordered a Holga lens for my Nikon last week, and got it in the mail yesterday. I went out shooting with it for the first time for my grad work this afternoon and decided to try out a double exposure with it. This is pretty much SOOC, just a bit of a contrast boost.

For those of you who may not know, a Holga is a cheap, plastic film camera. They have a plastic lens, and are known for their soft focus and heavy vignette. They now make lenses like this that can attach to DSLR cameras. Since my grad work is about Alzheimer’s I thought it would make more sense to be shooting with a lens that distorts and disturbs the images like this instead of getting “perfect” photographs.

On another note…I am finally all caught up.