291/366 – Propagating

I replanted one of my succulents the other day, and decided to try to propagate some of the leaves. Basically all you do is gently pull off a leaf from the stem, let it dry out for a few days, and then place them on top of wet soil for a few weeks (or so I have read). I had planted one leaf in some soil a bit ago, and it grew roots but no other leaves. I’m hoping these do better so that I can have some new plants soon!


Yikes. I am very behind. I just moved from Minnesota to Kansas, so things have been busy and life was more important than uploading or shooting. Details of each day will be posted with the pictures. Here we go…

*Wednesday, August 1
Wednesday was a busy, long day of work and packing. I figured I should take advantage of my last few days living at my parents’ with the beautiful backyard.

76/366 – focus

I woke up early before work yesterday to get this shot, but then was simply too exhausted when I got home last night that I didn’t want to deal with editing/posting. So here it is.
And had I uploaded yesterday I probably would have used a different one, but this one fits tonight’s mood better.