Impossible Project: Sunday Brunch

The Impossible Project (where I purchase all my polaroid film) has a feature on their blog every Sunday titled “Sunday Brunch”. Every Sunday they feature 5 photographs that stood out to them that week, and it is always so interesting to see what people are shooting with this unique style of photography. This past Sunday, I was fortunate enough to be featured on the blog with some really wonderful images. Be sure to check it out here!

And here is the photograph that was featured along with another one from that day that I never posted here on my blog:



205/366 – Lurking

205/366 - Lurking by aithom2
205/366 – Lurking, a photo by aithom2 on Flickr.

I completely forgot to take a picture today until well after dark. We had just finished adding on this front patio to my parents’ house, and so I thought it might make for a nice photograph. I didn’t think of adding myself in until I started shooting.

204/366 – Bread and Chocolate

I had just a few frames left on a roll in my OM-2, so at breakfast with my sister this morning I grabbed a shot. Bread and Chocolate was the name of the little cafe we ate at, and it was so delicious.