366/366 – The End

*Saturday, February 2
Saturday I went with the Potters Guild and their visiting artist to Dwight, Kansas. They were doing a cup drop (which you can read about here) and I tagged along to document things. It was such a cool experience, and I fell in love with some of the buildings in Dwight.

And with that, I am done with my 366. I maybe should have a more epic, exciting image to end my 366 with, but it just kind of happened. I am extremely relieved to be done with this project. Now I can focus entirely on my grad work and other misc. series I have wanted to start up. I will still be posting here, though probably not nearly as often.



*Friday, February 1
Friday I went to meet up with a fellow photographer and friend of a friend, Michael Strickland (be sure to check out his work, it is extraordinary), to explore around Lawrence a bit. I had never been there before, so he was kind enough to show me around a bit, and we did some location scouting for a self-portrait of mine. The sunset ended up being amazing, though we had to kind of rush to find a somewhat decent spot to shoot from.

More to come from our adventure in the next few days probably.

And I may edit this some more still, but I just wanted to get it posted.


363/366 – Experiments

I don’t normally crop my images to strange sizes, but I like how this one looked. This is one of my many “experiments” for my grad work. Any guesses as to what you are looking at? I’m curious to see what you all think. And, this image (of an image) has actually sparked some further ideas that I plan on playing around with.

The next two days are going to be insane again, so I may hold off on finishing this project until the end of the week.


362/366 – Documentation of Failures

The past few days have been absolutely insane. So until yesterday I hadn’t shot anything. And then these happened.

*January 26
I debated uploading these for quite a while, but I decided this project is a documentation of sorts, and sometimes that should include the failures. I was given a pack of old Impossible Project Film, and I think it must be expired or was not stored properly or something.

triple bad


Today was super busy, so I grabbed this shot quick while I was home this afternoon. The next 2 days are going to be insane, so I may not be able to shoot/post, depending on how things go. Which is frustrating because I just want to finish this project.

Also, I just wrote up my first post for Analogue Sunrise. Be sure to go give it a read, and check out the rest of the site.


358/366 – Gustaf

I completely forgot to take a photograph yesterday, which you would think wouldn’t happen at this point in the project. And today I spent a good chunk of my day in studio reading for class, so I grabbed this shot of my other fish quick before leaving.

Also, lately I have been very aware of how different my mind functions being an artist. My friend and I picked out the color of the glass rocks because it would be the compliment of the color of the fish, and therefore make him look more blue; it is not a normal way of thinking.


357/366 – Anonymous

This afternoon I spontaneously decided to go shoot since it was so warm out. I had no ideas really, I just knew roughly where I was going. I wasn’t even planning on shooting a self-portrait, and then this happened.  It took more than a few hours to edit (by far the most I have spent editing in ages) and is around 6 images combined.

It also sparked an idea for a new series that I am pretty excited about. Hopefully I will be able to get shooting for that soonish.
