366/366 – The End

*Saturday, February 2
Saturday I went with the Potters Guild and their visiting artist to Dwight, Kansas. They were doing a cup drop (which you can read about here) and I tagged along to document things. It was such a cool experience, and I fell in love with some of the buildings in Dwight.

And with that, I am done with my 366. I maybe should have a more epic, exciting image to end my 366 with, but it just kind of happened. I am extremely relieved to be done with this project. Now I can focus entirely on my grad work and other misc. series I have wanted to start up. I will still be posting here, though probably not nearly as often.


20/366 – The Shack

I went for a walk with my brother today in search of something for my 366, and stumbled on this shack pretty quick. This is a stitch of 10 (I think) images, which is partly why I am so late in uploading it. My laptop is certainly not the most powerful of machines, so stitches take a bit of time.

On top of finding this cool little place, I found quite a few other locations for some self-portraits, and thought of a few more ideas for some as well. Now if we could just get some bearable temperatures.

108/365 – Train Station

In hopes of finding some sort of grand inspiration for my project for the semester I went out driving this morning. I ended up in Paris, Kentucky for a little bit, and found this abandoned train station. At least that is what I assumed it was.

I didn’t really figure out anything in terms of a concept for my project, but I got some good, non-conceptual pictures which is better than nothing I suppose.

174/365 – Reynolds Building

Still playing catch up. I’m going to go ahead and post 3 pictures from Thursday, because I like them all and I don’t want to overload everyone with so many posts.

This is Thursday’s (7-1) picture. I was walking home from work snapping some pictures on the way home. This is my studio building (the Reynolds Building). I really have been pushing and playing with depth of field lately, and I love it.

This is also from my walk back from work, and also part of the Reynolds Building.

After work on Thursday I went to hang out with Manuel. We went out driving trying to find a spot he knew about that would be cool for pictures. After driving for an hour and a half we hadn’t found it, and the sun was starting to set. But I did manage to get this picture while we were trying to figure out which way to go. It isn’t the sharpest but I still like it.