243/365 – Mishy!

**Catching up now that I have photoshop again…

Thursday, 9-9

Last fall I bought 3 fish for a project in my photography class. There was one named Susannah (after my friend, who was in the class), who was my favorite; one named Danielle (after another friend, who was also in the class), who was such a pretty blue, and my second favorite; and then there was Elliot (the orange one, named after my boyfriend, who was also in the class), who I didn’t like at all, and really didn’t care what happened to.  “Susannah” died a late last fall, not long after I had bought him; I was sad. Then Christmas break rolled around and I had to take the other two back to MN with me because no one would have been around to feed them. So, I put both bowls in the front passenger seat next to me, and drove 13 hours home with them. The beta fish (Danielle) did not survive the trip. She was crushed by the glass stones in her bowl. “Elliot” however, was completely fine, and then survived the 13 hour trip back to KY. So here was the fish that I would have preferred die (I am terrible, I know), and yet it had survived everything. Well, we bonded, and his name has since become Mishy (I misspoke while trying to say “fishy” and it just stuck). Somehow, Mishy has survived for a year that has included two 13 hour drives, and around 5 moves of shorter distances. It is by far the longest I have ever had a fish alive. And he is by far the most playful and interactive fish I have ever seen. He almost does tricks even, it is hilarious.

I was cleaning his bowl on Thursday, and knew I wanted to do something loosely related to him. I had an image similar to this one in my head for a while, so I figured I would try it out, and I am fairly happy with it. Not in love with it, and I will probably try again sometime, but I like it enough.

Sorry, long, unimportant story over.

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And just because I thought this one was funny…