39/52 – Caught v2

I usually won’t make an entirely new post if I re-edit a picture. But, I liked this in black and white so much better that I am “officially” considering it the weeks shot instead of the color one. I got so caught up in how I was editing it before that I didn’t even consider black and white, but a Flickr contact suggested it, so here I am.

218/365 – Summer Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is one of my favorite things about summer. I could eat it almost (if not every) every night. I was outside on my parent’s patio shucking the corn, and looked up into the big locust tree and immediately knew I wanted a picture of the corn with that as the background.

I also took a different approach to editing this. I read somewhere today that you should never edit the same way twice. Which is sort of what I do, constantly. I have my saved presets in curves and things like that, and obviously I tweak for each specific photograph, but I haven’t really tried anything new lately. So, I took a few new approaches to this one, and absolutely love it. Enjoy!

Oh, and, I really wish corn started with an “s” so that I could have had triple alliteration.

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